When I first approached them I was only one day away from the limitation closing period but their clinical negligence claims specialist went out of her way in processing the registration before it expired and it was accepted at the last minute

She was very concerned as to my situation and worked hard to speed up the closure of my case. Throughout this period she was very approachable and kept me up to date at all times.

She is very professional with sound judgement, understanding the case well and paying great attention to detail. An example of this was when an offer was made in settlement where can i buy antabuse in usa which I found acceptable but She thought due to my circumstances the claim warranted a greater sum.

After much persuasion and due to my trust and confidence in her judgement I allowed her to press for a higher figure and a substantially improved offer was made.

The whole process was very professional with a number of experts involved. Considering the complexity of the case I was surprised how smoothly it all went and how quickly it was concluded.

I would not hesitate to recommend them in the future.

Mr R Read

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